We have a fantastic November line-up! And December is filling up with some amazing interviews, as well.
For today, Monday, November 9, 2015, you will want to check out my interview with the lovely Ms. Linda Glaz, a literary agent with Hartline Literary Agency.
Next Monday, November 16, I have the one-and-only Ann Byle, literary agent from Credo Communications!
And for the Monday of Thanksgiving week, acquiring editor Jim Watkins from Wesleyan Publishing House!
DECEMBER is lining up to be our month to HIGHLIGHT AUTHORS! This is super exciting. Some of these fabulous writers have best-selling books already, others have books coming out HOT OFF THE PRESS. They are more than happy to share tips of the trade.
So, go click on the Monday Meet-Up link and get to know literary agent, Linda Glaz.
*Don’t forget to leave a comment in the comment section! I’d love to hear from you!
Great lineup! I look forward to reading more!