Hi friends! I’m back and ready to reach out to all of you!
The last two months, I have been working with Fistbump Media to produce an exceptional, high-quality website (they did most of the work; actually they pretty much did 99% of the work). But the website is up and active, and I absolutely love it! Thanks to Susan and Dan!
Anyway, I’ve got some FANTASTIC news since the website was being reworked. My book cover was revealed! No Longer Rejected is inching closer to it’s publication date, and I hope that you all will buy it and share it once you’re done reading it! Check out the BOOK tab, which will fill you in on the cover and the book’s content.
Lastly, Monday meet-ups are not going away. I’ve got a few already lined up. Monday meet-ups will continue to offer writing wisdom and tips-of-the-trade for those of us with a passion for writing.
I’d love to hear from you! Sending big hugs across the internet! (Did you feel it? Because I sent one right to you!)