A brand new copy of A Warm Winter’s Tail goes to Deb Crouch!
A brand new copy of Publishing 101 goes to Tonya Brown!
Congrats, ladies! Private message me your addresses and I will get these books to you!
My contact email is janice@janicebroyles.com
For this week, I will be giving away Brianna Dumont’s Famous Phonies! Stop by today’s Monday Meet-Up for her great interview. She offers some excellent writing and publishing tips that are sure to help and inspire us.
The other book I will be giving away this week is William Zinser’s On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction!
How do you win? Leave a comment below about today’s interview, or any other of the Monday Meet-Up interviews. Or you can chat with me about your own writing/publishing journey. At the end of the week, I will draw names, and then let you know NEXT MONDAY! It’s that easy.
You are an inspiration to us aspiring writers! Good luck Janice!
I received my book! Thank you so much!!!